Achieve a Smile That Stands Out
Achieve a Smile That Stands Out
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Shop confidently, thanks to our 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring you get dazzling results.
Achieve a brighter, whiter smile with dentist approved products from the comfort of your own home.
"I’ve been loving the results I’ve achieved with this product. My teeth are so much whiter. This formula neutralises any yellow and gives me that beautiful white glowing smile that I’ve always wanted to achieve."
"I get asked all the time how to I keep my teeth so white. I’ve been using the colour correcting paste and the whitening strips from Oxford White. I’m in love with them, the results are almost instant."
"The Oxford White whitening strips and colour corrector paste leaves you with a gleaming smile. I love how it removes unwanted stains, instantly leaving you with a brighter smile."